Healthy Gums
The Foundation

Healthy gums are pink, firm, and support the teeth and bone. Healthy gums do not bleed. Excellent home care and regular professional cleanings are crucial to long term health and the prevention of receding and/or bleeding gums, bone loss, bad breath, and tooth loss. Our experienced team has the technical training and expertise to help evaluate, diagnose, and then create a personalized plan to establish the most optimal oral health possible. The result is a foundation of health that will serve you for years to come.

The Comprehensive Exam (A)

Every person is unique with individual needs and concerns as everyone does not fit into the same mold. In order to determine you current oral health status and to talk about you and your specific concerns, wants, and needs, we have created one of the most comprehensive new patient examination protocols available, all at no additional cost beyond x-rays and exams.
It includes:

  1. Exam and X-rays
  2. Full Periodontal Charting and Evaluation
  3. Intraoral photos
  4. 3-D Scan and modeling
  5. Oral Cancer exam
  6. Smile Assessment
  7. TMJ and Orthodontic Evaluation
  8. Additional evaluation tools as needed

Once completed, we will review our findings, answer questions, and work together to create a plan to leads to a life of good oral health.

Preventive Cleanings (B)

Routine cleanings along with excellent oral home care is crucial to long term health. Our hygienists are skilled at removing soft and hard deposits from your teeth that contain harmful bacteria. One of the greatest benefits to this visit is the specific home care recommendations we will make based on your present oral health status.
While many people can come for their professional cleaning every 6 months, many others will benefit greatly coming more often, and we will recommend a specific cleaning interval based on your specific needs.

Periodontal Cleanings - Scaling and Root Planing (C)

Also called a deep cleaning, this in-depth cleaning is done when deeper pockets are present along with bone loss, heavy bleeding of gums, and/or loss of gum attachment. We will numb the teeth and gums so you are comfortable during this process, and may also use localized antibiotics to treat the most infected areas. The final step is establishing a customized professional cleaning schedule, provide you with specific home care recommendations, and get you on the right path to improved health.

Smile Charlotte Services

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While we are very skilled at the care we provide, our passion is building relationships with our patients. Relationships build long term trust, respect, and genuine care, three traits that you should expect from us and ones we love to deliver on. Whether you are single or we see 3-4 generations of your family as patients, we love having you as part of the Smile Charlotte family.

Why You Should
Choose Smile Charlotte

While we are very skilled at the care we provide, our passion is building relationships with our patients. Relationships build long term trust, respect, and genuine care, three traits that you should expect from us and ones we love to deliver on. Whether you are single or we see 3-4 generations of your family as patients, we love having you as part of the Smile Charlotte family.
Crowns and Bridges
Partials and Dentures